Troubleshooting Compressor Fail

​Description of Fault

A CATALYST Compressor Failure Alarm is generated when the CATALYST commands the unit into full mechanical cooling and the Total Unit Power does not register a corresponding rise in amps that would indicate that the compressors are energized.
A CATALYST Compressor Failure Alarm will automatically reset when the compressors are commanded to energize and the Total Unit Power registers a corresponding rise in amps.

Possible Causes

A CATALYST Compressor Fail is typically caused by:

  • Compressors are off on a unitary safety.
  • Faulty or loose control wiring.
  • Failed contactor.
  • Failed compressors.


From the eIQ Platform

  1. On the eIQ Platform, navigate to the Settings page of the unit and locate the Soft Switch.
  2. Turn the Service switch to the off position.
  3. Navigate to the status page and verify the unit is not outputting any cooling commands.
  4. Go back to the settings page and set the Soft Switch to the Cool 2 Fan 100% position.
  5. Navigate to the Status page of unit and verify that full cooling is commanded on and the Total Unit Power indicates at least 75% consumption
    1. If the total unit power rises above 75% continue to monitor the unit for 10-15 minutes to verify that the compressors continue to run and do not trip on any unitary safeties.
    2.  If the total unit power does not rise above 75% a technician will need to investigate the equipment to resolve the issue.

On Site

  1. Access the CATALYST Service Switch typically located in the controls section of the Unit.
  2. Set the CATALYST Service Switch to the Unit OFF position and verify the fan and compressors are disengaged.
  3. Set the CATALYST Service Switch to the Cool 2 Fan 100% position and verify the first stage compressor has energized.
    1. If the any compressors fail to energize:
      1. Verify that you have 24 volts AC on Y1 (Yellow wire from the CATALYST green 8 conductor) and Y2 (Blue wire from the CATALYST green 8 conductor) on the unit’s low voltage terminal.
        1. If there is voltage on the Y1, and Y2 wires from the CATALYST green 8-conductor, then the compressors are not functioning due to a mechanical deficiency with the unit. Continue standard mechanical troubleshooting
          to resolve the issue.
        2. If there is no voltage on the Y1, and Y2 wires from the CATALYST green 8-conductor, then contact Transformative Wave for additional troubleshooting support.
Contact ProStar Energy Solutions for further assistance at or (855) 867-2333.